So, I was looking at my list for my Christian Genre Challenge (which starts on August 1st!), and I decided I don't like the looks of it. I no longer care to read some of the books I listed. So, since it's not yet August 1st, I am changing my list... And, I haven't finalized it, yet, so I'm going to list, here, a few possibilities for each of the genres I'm hoping to read from. ;o)
"Revealed" by Tamera Alexander
"A Woman's Place" by Lynn Austin
"Courting Trouble" by Deanne Gist
"Love Beyond Reason" by John Ortberg
"Idols of the Heart" by Elyse Fitzpatrick
"Religiously Transmitted Diseases" by Ed Gungor
"Making Peace with Your Mom" by H. Norman Wright
ChickLit OR Humor:
"Savannah Comes Undone" by Denise Hildreth
"The Secret Life of Becky Miller" by Sharon Hinck
"Flabbergasted" by Ray Blackston
"The Best Gift" by Irene Hannon
Suspense OR Mystery:
"Freefall" by Kristin Hannah
"Cape Refuge" by Terri Blackstock
"Premonition" by Randy Ingermanson
A lot of these are my "review" books for Bethany House, and a couple of them are ones from my TBR Challenge list. I've GOT to start reading some books from both of those lists, as I'm terribly behind!
Last week I'd forgotten that I said I wanted to do this CG Challenge (doh!), so I told myself that this summer I would read ALL of the review books Bethany House has sent me, and I'd get myself caught up. Then I got a couple of comments here on my blog about the challenge, and I went, "Oh, yeah!" LOL. So, I changed my mind, and decided I'd read as many as I could ... they'd just have to fit into the challenge somehow. ;o)
Anyway. Make sure you leave your name in the Mr. Linky if you're participating in the challenge -- that way others can check up on you and see how you're doin'! ;o)
Religiously Transmitted Diseases by Ed Gungor is fantastic! I really enjoyed it!
I'm still doing this:
I am ready to start this new challenge and have several books ready to go!
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